Sunday, December 30, 2012

My Best (confusing and constantly hungry) Friend.

Okay guys, this one's gonna be a weird one...
But something has been on my mind recently, and you know me - once something is stuck in there I'll have to post about it (unspoken rule. Because I'm a woman and we are just allowed to have unspoken rules.(It's another unspoken rule.))

 What do animals think of us?  I couldn't help but wonder this whilst alone with my puppy, Panda. She choose to sit directly in front of me, and continuously look me in the eyes and turn her head at a 45° angle. This is at a time where she has been fed, she has gone to the bathroom, she has water, her bed is there...

'WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? JUST TELL ME!' I want to scream. (Okaaay, maybe I did say it a little) but she just stares. 

I was reduced to hissing 'Freeeeaak' at my puppy.

Soooo, as a result, I wound up wondering what animals (specially dogs) must think about us humans :D

Now, apart from our little confusing incident (that WAS the only time I've called her a freak, I SWEAR.) Panda and I usually communicate beautifully, she seems to judge my facial expression and body language almost perfectly - if I look angry she'll back off (or hide under the counter), if I'm upset or hurt she'll lick me and console, if I'm happy she's happy (possibly because she knows there's a higher chance of getting FOOD).

But is that all it is? The desire to get more food? Is the whole man's-best-friend thing a huge big lie,a scam to get food off of us? Or is she reeeally feeling empathy, does she really want to comfort me? (Who wouldn't wanna comfort me? I'm awesome :P)

When Panda looks into my eyes (and I mean like proper look-how-deep-this-is-we're-like-gazing-into-eachothers-eyes-okay-you-can-stop-now-it's-getting-kinda-weird eye contact) I don't believe it's anything less than love. You can just tell she loves me (and, I'm sure...other humans too,I suppose. Cheater.)

My darling Panda-Bear (this was the only picture she wasn't chewing something or had mud on her)
(See that loving gaze? It's not just because I was eating biscuits at the time...well,maybe that was a fraction of it but she LOVES ME,dammit.)

Anywhoo... >.<

P.S. Subscribe to me by email! :D (don't you want to have me in your life? Don'tcha? :P)

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