Saturday, December 29, 2012

A Rant Is In Order (Sorry guys)

Okay,although I'm a very easy-going, cool, got-it-together, laid back kinda girl (pppssssshhhh - yeah right), every now and then there are some things that reeeally annoy me in life (some things also annoy you, you say? It's human, you say! Relax and have some chocolate, you say!) Thanks for the chocolate, but I really do feel a little rant is in need here.
So, here goes nothing:

1. The 'k' message.
Ohhhh, you can make the effort to reply but not with an actual word? C'mon people, you used to be cool!
It's an effective conversation-destroyer, but even more annoying when it wasn't actually done to ruin all further chat - when someone doesn't realise it....grrrr.....
Usually the 'k' message proceeds a multi-page text from me.
Again, grrrrrr.....

2. When people don't check the pockets before putting something in the washing machine.
Okay, forget jewellery, that fifty note, that chocolate wrapper you had the other day and stuffed-in-your-pocket-because-your-mother-will-give-that-look-like-"Why? Why would you eat that?" and you'll feel guilty the rest of the day.
No, just me? Alright, moving along. Forget all those things -it's tissues. Leaving a tissue in your pocket and putting it in the washing machine. Mmmmh hmmmmm. I'll let it speak for itself.

3. People who seem to have their phone turned off constantly.
Why? You realise what a phone's primary function is, yes?
And you've charged it,yes? Good.

4. Memes (The one above is simply because I found one that fits for this point and the last one! I'm not a hypocrite.. Stop looking at me like that! What do you mean I'm sweating like crazy? Stop putting me on the spot!)

Let me make myself clear - some memes are very funny. I still happen to giggle at one with a pug and a tennis ball. Ahhh...good times...
But, now we seem to have an epidemic on our hands - it seems like hundreds of memes pop up for every single event that could be even slightly funny (and a loooot aren't at all  )
But I get it, it's a trend, blah blah blah (*sighs,exasperated with the world*)

5. Misspellings.
(I'm not a nerd, I'm not a nerd..)
Look, I'm not just talking about in a text, when your friend replies to your anecdote with ROFL. (Reeeally? I thought we were done with that, guys!) Though incredibly hard-to-read-because-you-chose-to-make-every-word-'cutesy' (when I was younger I vividly remember replacing 'Lol' with 'Lawl', and 'my' with 'mai'. Seriously, I did. It makes me criiinge now! I have a perfectly good working keyboard! I have predictive and spell-check! Oh,the pain..
Misspellings on reeeally important things. Like a tattoo. A resume. I've seen people misspell the title of exam they were taking (Business, by the way. Business.)

Oh, there he is :D
A little late.. But...
*look up,embarrassed.*

Anywhoo... >.<
...Sorry about the rant, guys :P

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