Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Common Garden Variations Of Relationship

I'm a ridiculous person. People who know me well all know that about me,whether they say it to my face or not. 
I think I prefer when they don't say anything at all.
And I've also always liked to think of myself as a realist,but in light of recent personal breakthroughs, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not a realist,I'm just like all other females on this earth -
I'm obsessed with the notion of Love.
As said by William Shakespeare; "Love asks me no questions, And gives me endless support.".
A couple of arguments about this one quote,out of millions,on the subject of love -
Love poses more questions than any other subject in the world!
 Such as " what do you mean, you don't know how your day was?!" Or ' How could he do that to me?'
Or my favourite, 'Does he/she reeeally love me?'

I have recently been broken up with, and as with all break-ups, excessive reflection on relationships always follows, it's just a given.
So, what have I learnt about relationships from this break-up?
I have learnt that men and women view the need to talk very differently.
In my experience,men usually use communication as a tool, as something to use in order to gain something, or to show superiority over others, for use when is necessary.
Women usually talk in order to bond, to receive sympathy, to feel cared for, for support, to increase friendship.

Example 1 - Ana and her husband Dan are driving. She asks 'Hey, do you want to stop by that cafe we like and get coffee?'
He answers 'No, not really' truthfully.
Ana suddenly feels quite angry. How could he just say no without even caring what I want? Why wouldn't he consider what I want? If he reeeally loved me....' Etc, etc.
Dan can tell she is angry - and he gets very annoyed. She asked him whether he wanted to go, and he was honest, what more can he do? Why won't she just make her intentions clear? If she reeeally loved me...' Etc, etc.

Example 2 - Ana and Dan are home, when Ana starts complaining about an annoying woman at work who tends to spread rumours and cause quite immature fights. This isn't the first time she complains, and Dan calmly replies that she should just confront her, and that her problem would go away if she just faced it straight on.
Ana is suddenly very annoyed, and Dan has no idea why - he's just provided a solution to her answer, so she won't have to complain anymore!
Again, it comes down to how we view our communication - Ana viewed his reply as him telling her she couldn't deal with the problem herself, that she couldn't think of a solution, that he is patronizing her.
 When men have a problem, they tend to talk about it less, because they want to think of an answer themselves, generally, and don't want to appear weak.
When women have a problem, they like to complain, to vent, and know somebody is listening and sympathising.
When neither sex understands why the other doesn't understand, it causes friction, and often fights ensue.

When women and men have such different perspectives on things, its quite easy to see how fights begin - and quite hard to believe we continue to co-exist :L

Anywhoo.. >.<

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